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SUPPLIER IN Bv 70cl Barley Mill Well IN BULK

Bv 70cl Barley Mill Well

Bv 70cl Barley Mill Well


Product Information

List of ingredients :

Sugar, water, natural bitter almond flavor with other natural flavors (nuts).

Nutritional values ​​per 100g :
Energetic value (kcal) 334 kcal / 100g
Salt 0 g / 100g
fat 0 g / 100g
Sugars 83.5 g / 100g
Energetic value (kJ) 1420 kJ / 100g
Dietary fiber 0 g / 100g
Proteins 0 g / 100g
Saturated fatty acids 0 g / 100g
Carbohydrates 83.5 g / 100g
Alcohol content 0 % vol / 100g

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