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SUPPLIER IN Infusion Grand Sud, 20s, 32g - LIPTON IN BULK

Infusion Grand Sud, 20s, 32g - LIPTON

Infusion Grand Sud, 20s, 32g - LIPTON


Product Information

List of ingredients :

Liquorice (71%), mint (23%), natural flavor. Contains liquorice. People with hypertension should avoid excessive consumption. Composed and packaged in Europe with ingredients from other origins. Store dry and at room temperature. After this date, the product may lose its aroma, however it can be consumed without risk. THINK SORTING! Together Let's Reduce The Environmental Impact OF PACKAGING PLASTIC FILM CARDBOARD BOX TO THROW AWAY TO RECYCLE DEPOSITS MAY VARY LOCALLY; WW.CONSISNESDETRUR

Storage conditions :

Store dry and at room temperature.

Preparation tips:

* for 1 sachet infused 4 to 5 minutes in 200 ml of water at 100° (without sugar).


Nutri-score C

Nutritional values ​​per 100g :
Energetic value (kcal) 4 kcal / 100g
Salt 0 g / 100g
fat 0 g / 100g
Sugars 0.5 g / 100g
Proteins 0.5 g / 100g
Saturated fatty acids 0 g / 100g
Carbohydrates 0.5 g / 100g

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